Indian Festivals Blog : July

Rath Yatra Festival
Rath Yatra is another fascinating temple festival, held at the famous Jagannath temple in Puri, Orissa. Wooden images of the Lord Jagannath, his sister Subhadra and brother Balbhadra are taken out in procession, in three large chariots or ‘raths’ to their summer temple. The main chariot is about 14 metres high and 10 metres square with 16 wheels. The other two are comparatively smaller. The ropes of these chariots are drawn by millions of devotees over a distance of nearly two kilometers. The crowd that gathers to witness and participate in the procession is phenomenal.
Guru Purnima
On Guru Purnima all the teachers are specially worshipped. Ved Vyasa, the author of the great epic, Mahabharata, is also worshipped on this day. On this day the students worship their elders, teachers and guides in order to show respect to them with gifts of coconuts, clothes and sweets. Discourses are held in community gatherings to hear the reading of the holy book, Bhagwad Gita.
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