Tourist Attractions
in Gondal |
Riverside Palace |
The Riverside Palace was
built in 1875 AD by Maharaja
Bhagwat Sinhji for his son
Yuvraj Bhojraji. The palace
is set in lawns and gardens
beside the river Gondal. There are various sitting
arrangements which are furnished in typical
colonial style with antique
wooden furniture and many
pleasant sit-outs are also
located on the terraces and
galleries overlooking either
the river or the garde
Orchard Palace |
The Orchard Palace is
located in a huge
complex of fruit
orchards, lawns and
gardens. This palace is
a wing of the Huzoor
Palace, where
the ruling family of Gondal entertained
guests. The 'room of
miniatures' is a
splendid sitting room
with a collection of
miniature paintings,
brass and antique
Royal Garages |
The Royal Garages have
an extensive collection
of vintage and classic
cars from 1910 to 1955, limousine
and sports cars from
1950 and 1960, American cars
from 1940 and 1950,
and a fleet of four-wheel
drive vehicles from the
World War II and
post-war period. Most of
these cars are restored
and some bear the
original Gondal State
number plates.
Palace |
Naulakha Darbargadh Palace
was built during the 17th
century. This palace is one
of the oldest and the most
beautiful palace in Gondal.
This palace is situated on
the banks of the river on a
grand masonry base, rising
about 30 meter above the
river bed. This palace was
built in about nine lakhs
and thus named so. The
palace is approached by the
high gateway with the clock
tower from the town side.
The entrance leads to a huge
open space with
administrative blocks on the
right and a grand staircase
the extreme left corner
leading to the intricately
carved pavilions on the open
terrace. There
are stone carvings with exquisite balconies, fabulous
pillared courtyard, delicately carved arches, and a
unique spiral staircase in the palace. The grand Darbar
Hall has series of huge windows which open into long
balcony supported by intricately carved brackets. The
Darbar Hall has large chandeliers, stuffed panthers,
wooden furniture and antique Belgian mirrors. The
private palace museum displays artifacts and gifts
received by Maharaja Bhagwat Sinhji as a ruler of Gondal,
on his 50th birthday and various other relics.