
Rajasthan Tours
- Most visited Destinations
of India
Rajasthan is one of the most fascinating
regions in India, with one of the oldest civilizations and
extremely rich cultural heritage. The State of Rajasthan
........ |

North India Tours
Northern part of India is full of diversities and wonders. North
India has got its brilliant past and lively present in the form
of forts, palaces and temples..... |

East India Tours
East India comprises of 10 states mainly West Bengal, Sikkim,
Orissa, Bihar and some of the North eastern Hill States. They
all lie in the eastern part of India.... |

South India Tours
South India is made up of 4 states mainly Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. South India is famous for its
natural beauty and .... |
----- Original Message -----
Indo Vacations (Tour Operator and Holiday
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: November Visit
Dear Sanjeev, Suman and Ria
I finally arrived home late yesterday and today
just settling down to write to you when I found
you had beaten me to it!
The train journey to
Jodhpur and later the bus journey to Udaipur
were both interesting as I met people to talk to
and practice some Hindi. Both the hotels I
stayed in were lovely although, Sanjeev, for
your information, I found the manager and staff
of the Mehwar in Udaipur much friendlier that
the grumpy manager of the Krishna Prakash. Do
you know him? If you ever need an alternative to
the Tiger in Udaipur for your tours I would
certainly recommend the Mehwar.
Thank you for my stay which I thoroughly enjoyed
in all respects - the lessons, the food and the
company. Suman, I really do feel the benefit of
my three weeks and my 'ear' is improving all the
time and I was pleasantly surprised how much of
conversations I was overhearing on the train and
bus I was able to understand. I feel if I don't
lose momentum I can break thought the speaking
barrier and make you proud of your mature
I am very happy to post a review on Trip Advisor
and will do so soon.
Ria, the hairy cow really does need his overcoat
at the moment. Here in Aberdeen it is about 0c
but 30 miles inland where the farms are it goes
down to -12c at night and the cattle stay
outside all the time. (see attached photo)
Thanks for the photo. Would you be able to send
me Helmut's contact details?
All the very best from Scotland to you all (and
a Merry Xmas).