About 26 major
indigenous tribes and various sub-tribes resides in 3649
scattered villages of Arunachal Pradesh. Although, these tribal
groups constitute the total population, but the density of
population is very less. These tribes are mainly the migrants
from Tibet-Burma, who colonized vacant lands in the longitudinal
valleys, from the north and east. It was difficult for them to
spread laterally across the land, so the skillfully crafted cane
bridges helped them to access the rivers. The people are simple,
friendly, hospitable and follow the traditional lifestyles. |
These tribes have a certain distinct characteristic in language,
dress and costume and have a rich cultural heritage. Some of the
major Buddhist communities like the Mongpas and Sherdukpens of
Bomdila and Tawang in West Kameng and the Membas (Siang) are
located along the northern and eastern area. They belong to the
Mahayana stream of Buddhism. The Khamtis, Singpos and Tangsas
originally migrated from Thailand and Myanmar (Burma) and follow
Hinayana Buddhist practices. |
The tribes of Arunachal Pradesh are divided into different
groups on the basis of their socio-politico-religious
affinities, living their lives independent of each other. The
pattern of their lifestyle is same and they follow the same
occupation. The societies are casteless and governed by chiefs.
The adults were grouped according to their age for distinct
social functions. The young are organised around dormitory
institutions to follow the
instructions of the older generation. The society is patriachal
and primogeniture and the fundamental laws of inheritance with
variations are not uncommon. The people are highly democratic,
and each tribe has its own organised institutions that maintain
law and order, decide disputes and take up all activities for
the welfare of the tribes and the villages. The members
constituting these organisations are selected by the people. The
Tribal Research Centre is deeply involved in the preservation of
Arunachal’s tribal cultural expressions such as music, dance,
folklore, etc.
Some of the major
tribes are the Wanchos, Noctes, Khamtis, Singphos, Tangsas, Adis,
Akas, Apatanis, Mishis and Nyishis. The Wanchos resides in the
south-western part of the Tirap district bordering Nagaland.
These people are fond of wearing decorated headgears and heavy
strings of beads on the neck, arms, legs and ears. The Noctes
resides in the central part of the Tirap district, to the north
of the Wanchos. These people have a long and traditional contact
with the people of the neighbouring plains. Many of them are
Vaishnavites. Tangsas is a common name for the group of people
that consists of the Lungchang, Moklong, Yugli, Lungri, Have,
Moshong, Rundra, Takhak, Ponthi and Longphi. Each group is
subdivided into a number of exogamous clans. These tribes occupy
the Changlang district along the Indo-Myanmar front. The
Singphos lives on the banks of Teang and Noa Diking rivers and
extend towards the southeast into the land of the Khamptis. They
are a fine athletic race with developed Mongolian features. They
are expert blacksmiths and prepare iron implements of quality.
The ladies are good weavers. They are Buddhists. The Khamptis
live to the south of the Lohit district along the Kamlang,
Dehing and Tengapani rivers with the Parasuramkund to the
northeast and Tirap district of the south. The Khamptis are good
craftsmen, enterprising traders and skilful agriculturists. They
are Buddhists. The Mongpas are skilled weavers, traders and
agriculturists who also make indigenous hand-crafted paper from
plants discovered among the deep jungles. They also make the
beautiful carpets, painted wooden vessels and silver articles.
The gentle Sherdukpens are reputed for their folk dances
embellished by folk tales and religious themes. Their Yak dance,
Deer dance, Ajilhamu dance and Eagle dance are mesmerizing.
These people also make beautiful masks and as well as
periodically stage the pantomimes and mask dances. The Apantanis,
Hill Miris and Adis make beautiful articles of cane and bamboo,
and speak eloquently about their skill in handicrafts. The
shawls and Jackets of the Apantanis and the Adis and shoulder
bag and the Mishmi's coat are symbolic of the high weaving
talents and artistic sense of the people.
The three main groups of the Mishmis are Idu, Miju or
Kaman and Digaru or Taraon. The Idus, also called as Chulikata
by the plains people, live in Dibang valley district. With
roughly 25,000 members, the Idu tribe is divided into sections,
each named after the river by the side of which they live. It is
by the manner of hair that the Idus (Chulikatas) are
distinguished from other tribes. The front hair is combed down
on the brow and then cut straight across from ear to ear. The
back hair is collected in a knot. There are about 18,000 Mijus
or Kamans that live in the Lohit district, east of the Taraons.
Their dress is very long, colourful and durable. The Kaman,
specially the women, have an admirable sense of colour and
pattern. Agriculture is one of the main occupations of these
people. Taraon are also known as the Digarus. They are also good
The tribes of the East, West and Upper Siang districts together
comprises of "adis". They may be divided into three main groups,
which are Galos, Padams and Miwongs. Each of these groups can be
subdivided into a number of sub-groups. The dances are very
popular among the Adis. Their traditional dance is Ponung, which
is also religious in character. The Galos weave clothes of
highly artistic designs and their beautiful skirt has a central
pattern of black yarn netted in regular designs of black and
white. The Adis, Akas, Apatanis, Mishis, Nyishis, Mijis still
follow traditional tribal forms of worship. Their animist
practices are linked to the seasonal and agricultural cycles.
They also worship Donyi-Polo, the Sun and Moon gods. |