Today, most of the
Hindus consider worship, often referred to as “performing puja”
as an integral part of their faith. Hindu worship is not
congregational, except in sects which put great emphasis on
devotion (bhakti). The great majority of the Hindus worship
various gods and goddesses in the temples and also have a small
shrine in their homes. They also visit the holy places like
Varanasi, Puri, Haridwar, Mathura, Ayodhya, Ujjain, Dwarka,
Kanchipuram, Badrinath, and Rameshvaram. Such holy places and
holy abodes have a temple which is dedicated to a major deity.
Some of the famous gods and goddesses which are worshipped are
the Brahma, Agni, Surya, Indra, Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesh and Shakti.
Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the three gods which are considered
as very powerful gods. The Lord Brahma is regarded as the
ultimate source of creation, whereas the Lord Vishnu is regarded
as the preserver or protector of the universe and Lord Shiva is
regarded as the destructor. Some of the holy rivers which are
also worshipped are the Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Narmada,
Godavari and Kaveri.
In the temples,
performing puja means making an offering to deity and darshan means
having a view of the deity. The temples houses an image of the deity
which will be tended by a priest and visited at special times when a
darshan of the resident God can be obtained. In the temple, the
devotee may perform his own rituals or he may employ a priest to carry
out a ritual for him or summon the god’s attention. The worship varies
with the size of the sect and the size of the temple. Domestic worship
varies according to the individual needs. A rich person may employ a
full time priest while others may invite priest to perform ceremonies
on special occasions. A busy person perform prayer in the morning or
in the evening, and visit a large temple on some important festivals
only. There are two kinds of worship. Saguna is the first kind of
worship, in which the worshipper uses a concrete symbol or idol which
helps him to concentrate more easily. Nirguna is the second kind of
worship in which concentration is done on the Absolute by drawing the
mind inward, without the help of any physical symbol to fix the mind
on. In Hindu worship it is not compulsory to go to a temple. One can
meditate on the Absolute anywhere. In a temple, various normal
religious observances are performed throughout the day like waking up
the deity in the morning, bathing, feeding and putting to rest at
night. When entering the temple the devotee first have to remove the
shoes. Then he has to wash his hands. On the entrance gate of the
temple, he rings a bell which is suspended from the ceiling at the
entrance. This is done in order to shut out external sounds and to
enable the devotee to make the mind go inward and get concentrated. It
also indicates the presence of the devotee in front of god. Lights are
waved before the deity that denotes that the Lord is all light and
also as a mark of respect conveying the devotee’s reverence. Incense
is lighted to denote that the Lord is pervasive. The incense acts as a
disinfectant also. The burning of camphor denotes that the ego should
melt like it and the individual soul should become one with the
Supreme. The devotee offers sweets, rice, fruit, etc. to the god.
These are then distributed among the members of the household or the
devotees present at the temple. This is called Prasad. The priest puts
a red or yellow paste on the forehead of the devotee. This is called
tilak and is applied on the forehead between the eyebrows at a point
called the ‘ajna chakra’, indicating the third or the spiritual eye.
Circular round around the deity is done after the prayers. |
Agni |
Agni, the
God of Fire, is represented as a red man having three
legs, two to seven arms, dark red eyes, thick eyebrows
and hair. He carries a spear, fan, cup, spoons and
various implements used for fire associated ceremonies
in his hands. He may have one or two heads and a
pot-belly. Flames came out from his mouth with which
he licks up the butter which the priest offers to the
sacrificial fire. The priest, while pouring butter in
the fire calls ‘Svaha’, the consort of Agni. Agni
rides on a ram, wears a sacred thread, a garland of
fruits and seven streams of glory radiated from his
body. Agni is one of the few gods who have retained
their supremacy in the Hindu hierarchy of gods, from
the Vedic age till today and has the largest number of
hymns addressed to him. He is the priest of the gods
and the god of the priests and serves as the liaison
between gods and men. He presides over all the great
events of a person’s life and at the end through the
flames of the funeral pyre, it accepts the body as an
offering. |
Soma |
Soma is
also known as Chandra or Moon. He is represented as a
copper-coloured man, trailing a red pennant behind his
three-wheeled chariot, which is drawn either by an
antelope or by ten white horse. He normally has two
hands, in which one carries a mace and the other is in
a protective mode. He was the son of Dharma or Varuna,
lord of the oceans, from which the moon rises.
According to a legend, Surya nourishes the moon with
the water from the ocean when Soma is exhausted by the
many beings who feed upon his substance. During half
of the month, thirty-six thousand divinities feed on
Soma and thus assure their immortality. This account
neatly combines the two aspects of Soma: as the nectar
from which the gods derive their strength and as the
moon which waxes and wanes. The legend of the
banishment of Soma by Brahma to the outer atmosphere
can be interpreted as yet another myth that explains
how intoxicants can be brained.
Surya |
Surya, the
Sun god is one of the most important deities of the
Vedas. He usually has a lotus in each hand and is
usually shown in a chariot drawn across the heavens by
seven horses or one horse with seven heads. He is also
shown with four hands in which three hands carries a
wheel, conch-shell and lotus and the fourth is shown
in a protective mode. His charioteer is Aruna, the god
of dawn, who carries a whip in his hands. He is the
source of light and warmth, and has the ability to
control the seasons and the power to grant or withhold
the ripening of the crops. The Lord Surya is also
known as Savita and was very popular in the early
times, but later on lost some of his importance to
Vishnu. Even then he is the god to whom the famous
Gayatri Mantra (prayer) is chanted everyday when he
rises. Everyday in the morning one can see hundreds of
devotees chanting the mantras and offering water to
the Sun god. Small images and visual representation of
the Sun god can be seen in the temples of other gods,
but he rarely has a full-fledged temple to himself.
The Sun temple at Konark in Orissa is one of the
famous temple dedicated to Lord Surya. |
Varuna |
the god of the oceans, is shown as a fair-complexion
man riding a monster fish called Makara, which has the
head and legs of an antelope. He may have two to four
hands and in one of his right hands he carries a
noose. Varuna lost his importance even during the
Vedic times. Of his former character of a celestial
deity, he retains only the title of the regent of the
Western quarter of the compass. The mythological
explanation of this great fall is that a great
conflict occurred between gods and demons and to avoid
further conflicts, Indra remained god of the
atmosphere while Varuna was outset from the
guardianship of the heavens and was given the
over-lordship of the oceans. Here he kept watch over
the various demons of the ocean. Varuna sits with his
wife, Varuni, on a throne of diamonds and the gods and
goddesses of the different rivers, lakes and springs
form his court. |
Vayu |
Vayu is
the god of the wind. He is extremely handsome and
moves noisily in a shining chariot drawn by a pair of
red or purple horses. Sometimes, the number of horses
increases to forty-nine or even a thousand. The latter
number would probably be employed when there is a
cyclone. He is also represented as a fair-complexion
man riding a deer and carrying a white flag. He may
have two to four hands and may carry a goad and a
wheel. He is often associated with Indra and won the
race for the first drop of Amrita. He does not occupy
a very prominent position in the Vedic hymns. He is
considered as the friend of the waters. At a later
stage he is said to have got a son, Hanuman (the
monkey god), who played a conspicuous role in the epic
Ramayana. In the other epic, Mahabharata, Bhim is also
said to be the son of Vayu. |