Indian postal
Services & Telecommunication |
India has one of
the world’s largest postal
network with around 1,55,000 post offices all over the country. Mail
system in India is quite reliable and mails are frequently sent by air.
In terms of handling mail, India ranks among the top after UK,
Japan, and France. The Airmail service to Europe, Africa and
Australia takes at least a week and a little longer than
America. The Postal Department employs around
600,000 people from all over India for postal services. The
post cards within India remain the cheapest way
of postal communcaton. . A
five-rupee stamp is required to be fixed on the cover of an
envelope to be mailed within India, Nepal and Bhutan.
More information on Indian postal service is
at: |
Post is the world’s largest courier
system run by government owned Postal Department and
is quite inexpensive. It delivers time-bound mail in
24-72 hours from the time of booking. The system
guarantees return of money in case of
late deliveries. The Speed post can be easily done at major post
offices of the cities. There
are several private courier services like Blue Dart,
Express, Skypack etc.
Parcels are normally mailed
from major post offices. Government emporiums and large departmental stores
readily transport the goods and can be trusted. Always get
an invoice or bill. But, it is advisable to
avoid asking small shops to dispatch the goods. One can also carry small
souvenirs with the luggage. Indo Vacations offers you the
Service of booking your excess baggage for overseas by ship (minimum
1 cubic meter) or by air (minimum 08 kgs) so you do not have to
be worried about the excess baggage you may have due to shopping
in India.
Overseas Telephone and Telex
services |

Within India, Subscribers Trunk Dialing (STD) is available
for 1000 cities. City calls can be made from any telephone
booth by inserting a one-rupee coin India has a direct
dialing system which links over 190 countries all over the
world. The Telephone booths for making local and
international calls are quite easily available in every part
of the country.
These Booths can be recognized easily. They are yellow and
black and have some kind of identification on it like PCO
(stands for local calls, STD (stands for calls with in India)
and ISD (stands for international calls capability of the
booth). Making calls from these booths in India
or abroad is much cheaper than from the hotel room of the
tourists. There is always an attendant for assistance since
these booths are not automatic. Its important to insist
on a print out of the call charges which is printed by
itself once the call is over and cradle is back on the
telephone. The call duration and call charges are shown on
a separate digital screen. If there is power
which is not unusual,
one has to decide either to trust the telephone operator for
the told charges or wait till the
next telephone booth if calls are not
that urgent.
For their convenience, the tourists can buy the SIM CARD
for their mobiles from India
itself so that they do not need to stop at a telephone booth
to make calls. In order to get the same, an identification
proof is required to be shown by the tourists.
Telephone Dialing Code
(STD Code) for Cities in India
We have prepared a list of Telephone Codes (STD Codes) of Indian
Cities below. Please click the alphabet by which the
city names starts and look for the city
! |
Choose the first Alphabet below to know the City dialing code |