is Halasana? |
is also called the Plow pose because when you reach to the final
position of this pose your body resembles the shape of Hala the Indian
plough. |
Yoga and Ayurveda Tour |
is the technique of Halasana? |
with lying on your back with knees bent, the soles of the feet on the
ground and with legs held together. Place hands on your hips or waist,
with your thumbs pointing for ward on the waist and palms and fingers
underneath the back supporting it. On an exhalation, swing your knees
and thighs over you abdomen. Raising your hips and torso, and support
this position with your hands on your lower back. Now straighten your
legs so that they are parallel to the floor. Then press your elbows
into the floor to help you move your hips over your shoulders and
bring your chest in toward your chin; feet are relaxed. Hold this
position. If you are comfortable in the pose, try to touch your toes
to the floor while keeping your legs extended. Then, if you can, |
your arms palms down on the floor behind you; or clasp your hands,
pinching you shoulder blades together to help you do so. This is the
extreme position and should be practiced gradually and under the
observation of learned trainer. |
What are the benefits of practicing Halasana? |
Halasana stretches the shoulders and spine and improves flexibility. It
stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland. It helps to reduce
stress and fatigue and calms the mind. It is useful for backache,
headache, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis. |
Cautions |
Do not
practice this asana when you have diarrhea or neck injury. Women should
not do this pose during Menstruation and after they become pregnant. Avoid
jerks or speedy movements while doing this asana as it might cause some
injury to the backbone. People with asthma & high blood pressure problems
should practice this pose with the legs supported on props. |