Nepal, Nepal Tour, Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal Tour

Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal Tour

(23 Days / 21 Nights)
(Delhi - Darjeeling - Pemayangtse - Gangtok - Phuntsholing - Thimphu - Punakha - Bumthang - Tongsa - Paro - Kathmandu - Swayambhunath - Pashupatinath - Bodhnath - Patan - Bhaktapur - Kathmandu - Delhi)

(to view the route of this tour on a Map please click here)

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Sikkim Physical Features

Sikkim Feature

Mountain Passes
Hot Springs

Places to Visit in Sikkim

Sikkim Places

Tibetology Inst.
Phurba Chorten
The Ridge
Ganesh Tok
Tashi View Point
Changu Lake
Kechopari Lake

Sikkim Hotels, Hotels in Sikkim

Sikkim Hotels
New Elgin
Himalayan Heights
Newa Regency
Hotel Tibet
Hotel Nor Khill
Norbu Ghang
Silver Oaks
Cedar Inn

Sikkim Tours, Sikkim Travel

Sikkim Tours
Best of Sikkim
Sikkim Tour
Sikkim Triangle
Sikkim Wildlife
Sikkim Intensive
Sikkim Trekking

Sikkim Tours, Sikkim Travel

Saga Dawa
Drupka Teshi
Phang Lhabsol
Kalchakra Puja
Kagyed Dance
Sikkim Monasteries, Monasteries of Sikkim



Sikkim Physical Features

Sikkim Feature

Mountain Passes
Hot Springs

Places to Visit in Sikkim

Sikkim Places

Tibetology Inst.
Phurba Chorten
The Ridge
Ganesh Tok
Tashi View Point
Changu Lake
Kechopari Lake

Sikkim Hotels, Hotels in Sikkim

Sikkim Hotels
New Elgin
Himalayan Heights
Newa Regency
Norbu Ghang
Silver Oaks
Cedar Inn

Sikkim Tours, Sikkim Travel

Sikkim Tours
Best of Sikkim
Sikkim Tour
Sikkim Intensive
Sikkim Trekking

Sikkim Tours, Sikkim Travel

Saga Dawa
Drupka Teshi
Phang Lhabsol

Sikkim Physical Features

Places to Visit in Sikkim

Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal tour is an ideal combination to experience Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan. In the first part of this Tour we experience India from its most beautiful side as travellers are fascinated by the beauty of the Indian state Sikkim. In the second part of our Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal tour we visit Bhutan. Bhutan is an extraordinary place hardly touched by the hands of time. Nestling in the heart of the great Himalaya, Bhutan remained in self-imposed isolation for centuries. Since Bhutan doors were cautiously opened in 1974, visitors have been mesmerized by the environment, the scenery and architecture in Bhutan is awesome. In the third part of the tour we explore Nepal with complete dedication. Nepal is the only Hindu Kingdom where middle age traditions and culture are still alive. The Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, which is the cultural and political center of Nepal, is magnificent for its wealth of unique temple. Visitors are delighted to see the Magnificent Palaces in Nepal which count to the world cultural heritage (UNESCO monuments).

The fertile soil of Nepal at the foot of the highest mountain of the world has a wide range of art and cultural monuments to offer making this part of the tour exciting and fascinating. The Team of Indo Vacations welcome you to visit India, Bhutan and Nepal. You can be assured that your holidays in India, Bhutan and Nepal will be an unforgettable experience for lifetime.

Day 01. Flight to India (Delhi)
Around midnight arrival in
Delhi. The cosmopolitan City and capital Delhi is the main gateway for travelers. You are met by an Indo Vacations representative and transferred to your Hotel.

Day 02. Delhi - Bagdogra (by air) - Darjeeling (about 100 km)
Late morning flight from Delhi to Bagdogra. After the arrival in Bagdogra we proceed north of the state through the coniferous forests and terraced tea gardens and arrive in Darjeeling. Darjeeling (place of the thunderbolt) have spectacular scenery. Due to its altitude of 2134 m and soothing temperature in Summer Darjeeling has become a famous hill resort in India. By clear weather we can enjoy the impressive and unforgettable views of Himalayas.

Day 03. Darjeeling Excursion: Tiger Hill
Very early in the morning we drive to Tiger Hill (around 11 km.,1 hour) to enjoy the sunrise at the Tiger hill. Tiger hill (2590 m.) is the highest point in this area. There is a breathtaking view of the sunrise on Kangchendzonga. Mount Everest (8842) is also visible on a clear day. The moments of sunrise from Tiger Hill are described by most of the visitors as unforgettable. In the afternoon we explore Darjeeling and its surroundings. We visit the village Lablong and the institute of mountaineering where we get the detailed information about the natural surrounding and its habitants of this area.

Day 04. Darjeeling - Pemayangtse (about 260 km)
Today we leave the state West Bengal and enter into Sikkim. Sikkim is the second smallest state in India. Sikkim, in the East Himalayas is sandwiched between Nepal to its West and Bhutan to the East. In the North is Tibet/China. Sikkim has so rich of flora, fauna and a diverse ethnic and cultural population as no other state in India. We drive through the forests and tea gardens and proceed to our today's destination Pemayangtse (The perfect Sublime Lotus). We visit the headquarter of the Nyingama sect in Pemayangtse.

Day 05. Pemayangtse (Pelling) - Tashiding - Pemayangtse
We shall have an excursion today to the monastery belonging to the Nyingmapa order which is known as Tashiding. The monastery of Tashiding lies nestled on the top of a hill that looms up between the Rathong river and the Rangit river and is surrounded by a profusion of Prayer flags that flutter in the air. There are also many chortans dedicated to some Chogyals and some religious personalities of Sikkim. Carved skillfully on stone plates surrounding the monastery are holly Buddhist mantras like "Om Mane Padme Hum" by the master crafts man Yanchong Lodil. Overnight stay in Pelling.

Darjeeling Pemayangtse Monastery
Darjeeling Pemayangtse Monastery

Day 06. Pemayangtse (Pelling) - Gangtok (about 200 km)
Today we drive through wonderful landscaping to Gangtok, the capital city of the former Royal state of Sikkim. Rest of the day is free to relax though it is advised not to miss to have walks in the local markets.

Day 07. Gangtok Excursion: Enchey monastery
Today we drive to the Enchey monastery. This monastery is believed to be 200 years old. The monks of this monastery belong to the Mahayana Buddhism. After the visit of Enchain monastery we proceed to Martha Village-Resort, where we have afternoon at leisure. Here one can have nice walks or have a ride on the local horses of this area.

Day 08. Gangtok Excursion: Rumtek monastery
Today we visit the unique Research Institute of Tibetology on a hilltop which was established in 1958 to promote research on Tibet and Mahayana Buddhism. Here we will see the biggest collection of Tibetan scripts and an excellent collection of rare Tank has, bronze and cult objects. We also visit Orchid Sanctuary which is laying south of the institute. This Sanctuary contains over 450 indigenous species. Sikkim is considered paradise for orchid lovers. After the visit of sanctuary we walk through the bazaar of Bangkok through the area of old palace and visit the monastery Gylwa. The main attraction of our excursion remains today the monastery of Rumtek. Rumtek monastery was built as a true copy of a tibetan monastery in recent years. Armtek is the headquarter of Red hat sect of tibetan lamaistic Buddhism.

Day 09. Gangtok - Phuntsholing (about 150 km)
Today we have a long way ahead (around 8 hours) as we will be leaving India and crossing the border between India and Bhutan. After your immigration formalities are cleared by the help of Indo Vacations representative we shall proceed to the hotel on the Bhutanese territory. The rest of the day at leisure at the hotel.

Enchey Monastery Rumtek Monastery
Enchey Monastery Rumtek Monastery

Day 10. Phuntsholing - Thimphu (about 231 km)
We have a drive today through the hilly area of Bhutan to Thimphu, today's capital city of Bhutan. In the evening there will be a welcome festival by the team of Indo Vacations in the hotel.

Day 11. Thimphu
At 7,710 ft in the fertile valley of the Wang chu river, the capital Thimphu is an engaging blend of the old and the new. The capital's most striking visual landmark is the magnificent Taschichho-Dzong, which is the seat of the Royal Government and Central Monastic Body. We visit today the national library to see the collection of rare and precious collection of Buddhism. Today we also visit a painting school and the center of the traditional medicines. In the evening we visit the Taschichho-Dzong and Memorial Chorten. The postage stamps of Bhutan are very famous. Therefore we shall drive to the main post office to see and buy the stamps for our postcards.

Day 12. Thimphu - Phunakha
Today we drive to Punakha. On the way to Punakha we will cross the pass Dachu-La Pass (3100 m). At 4,300 ft Punakha with its sub-tropical climate is Bhutan's ancient capital and winter seat of the Central Monastic Body. Punakha has its own festive, the Panache Douche that concludes with the Sera, a colourful re-enactment of an episode of the war against the invading Tibetans in the 17th century. The body of the Shabdrung, who died in 1651 while in meditation at Punakha, is preserved at the Dzong. After our arrival in Punakha we shall visit the unique Pungthang Decent Hording Dozing, built in 1637 by the Shabdrung. The Dzong is situated on a triangular spit of land at the confluence of the Mo chu and Pho chu river.

Thimphu View Punakha Dzong
Thimphu View Punakha Dzong

Day 13. Punakha - Bumthang (about 200 km)
Today we will drive to Bumthang. The valleys of Bumthang are known for their beauty, temples and palaces of historical significance. Bumthang offers some of the best treks in Bhutan, ranging from easy walks in the idyllic countryside to extended treks to explore hidden alpine valleys, where the warm, unquestioning hospitality of the people and the pristine beauty of the land belong to another age. Overnight stay in Bumthang.

Day 14. Bumthang - Tongsa
Today we have enough time to discover the town of Bumthang. As distances are not very long we will walk to some of the monasteries (Lamey Gompa, the Lashings of Jape, Keri, Tasting Lashing). In the afternoon we leave the tropical jungle area and drive through the Auto-La pass (3400 m) to Tongsa. Overnight stay in Tongsa.

Day 15. Tongsa - Punakha (about 70 km)
Ancestral home of Bhutan's ruling dynasty and site of Bhutan's most impressive fortress, Tongs is a strategically located town on the east-west route. The sprawling Dozing is built on a spur and the view of the Mangle river valley extends for many kilometers. We will visit the Doing of Tongs which is one of the most famous impressive one in the country. In the afternoon we will drive again to Punakha. Overnight stay also in Punakha.

Bumthang Trongsa Bhutan
Bumthang Trongsa Bhutan

Day 16. Punakha - Paro (about 180 km)
At 7,382 ft Paro is the site of Bhutan's only airport and is the most beautiful western valley. Besides the colourful spring tsechu (festival), Paro has a number of sights and monuments to enthrall the visitor. The pastoral beauty of Paro valley, magnificent views of Mount Jhwmolhari, the incredible monastery of Tartan which clings to a sheer rock cliff, the ruins of Drukgyel Dzong (fortress of the victorious Drupas) and the National Museum, housed in an ancient watchtower, are a few of the attractions that make Paro one of the high-points of any holiday in Bhutan. If we happen to be during the festival time in Paro the sightseeing of Paro will start in the early morning so that we enjoy the most of the festival.

Day 17. Paro
Today we start our day by visiting the National Museum. After the visit of the National museum we go for an excursion to Takstang monastery. In April 1998 a fire destroyed the main structure of Tatiana Monastery, perhaps Bhutan's most photographed and famous site, perched on the side of a cliff 900m (2952ft) above the valley floor. It is also known as 'tiger's nest' because Guru Rinpoche is said to have flown to the site on the back of a tigress in the eighth century. It has been one of the kingdom's most sacred sites ever since, and will be rebuilt in its original style once an auspicious date has been chosen.

Paro Paro
Paro Paro

Day 18.
Paro - Kathmandu (by air)

Today we leave the country of dragons and drive early morning to the airport. We fly with Bhutan Air from Paro to Kathmandu. The rest of the day is free to relax at Kathmandu.

Day 19. Swayambhunath - Pashupatinath - Bodnath
In the morning we start our sightseeing by visiting Durbar Square. Durbar Square is the spiritual heart of Kathmandu. The old royal palace at the centre of the city was surrounded by temples and other important buildings. This is the most important point in Kathmandu to observe the culture and religion of Nepal. We also visit the temple of living goddess Kumari. After Durbar Square we will visit Swayambhunath. The Stupa at Swayambhunath is the most important and oldest site of Buddhist worship in Nepal. Swayambhunath Stupa is famous for the eyes of Buddha which seem to observing the world from all 4 directions. After Swayambhunath we visit Beneath. Beneath is the largest Stupa of Nepal. Around the octagonal base of Stupa there are 108 images of Buddha where prayer ceremonies of Buddhist Lamas are taking place since over 2000 years. Now we proceed to the temple city of Pashupatinath which is Nepal's most important Hindu pilgrim site on the banks of the Bagmati river. The temple of Pashupatinath is dedicated to God Shiva.

Pashupatinath Temple Boudhanath Stupa
Pashupatinath Temple Boudhanath Stupa

Day 20.
Patan - Bhaktapur

Today we drive to Patan. Patan was the second largest town in the valley but it has been absorbed into Kathmandu. Patan was previously known as Lalitpur (the beautiful city). The famous King Ashoka built the Stupas at four corners in the 250 BC. The temple architecture here gave this city fame to be unique and most beautiful. After Patan we proceed to Bhaktapur, the third biggest city of the valley. Bhaktapur has preserved it's medieval character better than Patan. We visit the golden door, the Palace of 55 windows (15th century) and Pagoda Nyatapola (18th century).

Day 21. Kathamandu - Delhi (by air) Excursion: Dakshin Kali
Today we drive to Dakshinkali. On the way we pass through the villages and small localities. Today we see the rural area where most of the people make their living by cultivating their fields. The temple of Dakshinkali is a place of pilgrimage for Hindus where animals sacrifices for the goddess Kali are still performed. In the Afternoon Flight to Delhi.

Durbar Square Bhaktapur Dakshinkali Nepal
Durbar Square Bhaktapur Dakshinkali Nepal

Day 22. Delhi -
Flight Back Home

Around Midnight flight back to home destination.

Tour Reservation
To get more information or to book this tour please submit the Query Form or send us an e-mail ! Your booking will be activated only after we get a reconfirmation from your side.

About Hotels:
We provide you the accommodation as per your budget mentioned above in the table of hotels category for any of the booked tour. Hotels provided by us are from budget to luxury class hotels. Luxury hotels are all five stars or of above standard. Deluxe would be a combination of 3 and 4 star Hotels and standard would be a combination of 2 and 3 star or similar hotels. The criteria for selecting hotels by us remains the best value of your money. We also provide you wherever possible accommodation in heritage hotels. Heritage Hotels are old Palaces, Forts and Grand mansions of Maharajas which have been later renovated and converted into Hotels. Rooms are decorated all individually. Rooms are comfortable, romantic and present the flair of olden Maharaja days.

Our Services Include:
      Accommodation in double rooms on twin sharing basis with bath and WC in the
         chosen category.
      Rooms on the departure day.
      American/continental Breakfast.
      Services of qualified local guides (English speaking or languages of your choice)
         at every place of sightseeing.
      All Transfers and departures on arrival and departure by Indo Vacations
       All Transfers and Sightseeing throughout the tour by an air-conditioned Car with
         driver. For groups an individual air-conditioned bus (Except Standard Hotels) will be

Any Kind of Personal Expenses such as Tips, Laundry, Telephone Bills and Alcoholic
      Camera Fees (Still or Movie).
      Any Flight Charges.
      Monument Entrances.
      Unspecified Meals etc.

We always look forward for any changes in the itinerary as wished by you for your
individual trip.

If you are willing to travel in a group - the Group Departure dates are available !

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    and the wished dates to enable us to workout the tour cost !   

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