Rathore – Sisodia Alliance &
Achivements of Raj Singh in Mewar

Rathore – Sisodia Alliance & Achievements of Raj Singh in Mewar |
The confrontation of Raj Singh
with the Mughals began from 1679. In that year Aurangzeb reimposed Jaziya tax
on the Hindus on the 2nd April,1679, which according to Dr. Ojha, evoked a
vigorous protest later from Raj Singh. Historians are not unanimous over the
name of the real author of this protest letter. Whosoever may be the author
but his fact is clear that the relation on Raj Singh with Aurangzed further
worsened. Rather problem led to the war with the Mughals. This problem grew
with the death of Jaswant Singh at Jamrud in December 1678. At the time of his
death Jaswant Singh had no issue. So aurangzeb ordered the annexation of
Marwar, and himself proceeded to Ajmer to supervise the situation. On 19th
February, two posthumous sons were born to Jaswant Singh, one of them died
soon after his birth and other lived, who was known as Ajit Singh. Unmindful
of the birth of a successor, Aurangzeb continued with his policy of converting
Marwar into Khalsa. Naturally it caused great resentment in Rathor
principality. Aurangzeb’s attempt to bring up Ajit Singh as a Muhammadan in
the royal harem further worsened the situation. Durga Das and other Rathore
sardars succeeded in taking newly born – baby to Marwar safely. Now came the
problem of Ajit’s security. Raj Singh was the only ruler who could provide the
shelter. So according to Raj Ratnakar and Raj Vilas his help was sought. The
Rana must have been in a dilemma. To reuse to give shelter was against the
Rajput tradition. On the other hand if he gave protection, it would amount to
an act of hostility against the Mugals. But for Raj Singh upholding of Rajput
tradition was more important then any fear of war. There ware several other
considerations also. Firstly, Ajit was closely related to Raj Singh. Secondly,
the borders of Mewar and Marwar were contiguous and the establishment to the
Mughal authority in Marwar could as wee create security problem of Mewar.
Inspired by these considerations, he not only agreed to keep Ajit in his state
but also conferred upon his 12 villages along with Kelwa for his maintenance.
It was quite evident to the Rajputs that war with the Mughals was inevitable,
hence they (Mewar and Marwar) also entered into a military pact, according to
which, it was agreed that (1) Raj Singh will help Ajit to regain his
patrimony, (2) Both side will fight the Mughal invasion jointly.
In this way Rathor – Sisodia alliance came into existence. This alliance is of
great historical significance. Thus for the first time after the battle of
Khanwa a confederacy was formed in Rajasthan. Thus once again Mewar was
leading the united Rathor – Sisodias against the Mughals. Both the clans were
the most powerful in Rajasthan. The policy of religious prosecution had
already been causing much resentment amongst Sikhs, Jats and Satnamis. This
still made situation easier for allies to face the Mughal.
This alliance was a very serious challenge for the empire. Aurangzeb was also
reluctant to stake his military reputation. His desire was to settle the
problem by negotiation. He sent one after another letters to Raj Singh asking
him to hand over Ajit to him. But the Maharana was completely committed for
the safety of the prince, hence he ignored the messages. Now confrontation was
the only way left for Aurangzeb. Both sides started preparation for the coming
struggle. It was the question of survival for them.
The way in which the allied fought with the Mughals goes to prove Raj Singh as
a great military leader. A plan was developed and executed with great
diplomatic skill. It affected the Mughal morale to such an extent that the
alliance could win over Akbar, son of Aurangzeb, to their side. Thus “Mewar
and Marwar”, says S.R. Sharma” alliance almost shook the throne of the emperor
and led to the only princely rebellion in Mughal history inspired by out side
interests. But, unfortunately, in the meanwhile Raj Singh died on October 12,
1680. It gave altogether a new turn to the events. If Raj Singh had lived for
a few months more beyond 1680, the rebellion of Akbar could have been the
beginning of a new history of India, but his successor Jai Singh was incapable
of working out any great idea. Tired of war, he signed the peace treaty with
the Mughals in 1681, without consulting the ally. Raj Singh sat on the throne
in a very difficult situation but by his political foresightedness,
fearlessness and realistic policy he raised the stats of Mewar to a great
Although in Rajasthan the powerful rulers like Mirza Raja Jai Singh and
Jaswant Singh were his contemporaries but whether it was the case of
Charumati’s marriage or the problem of Aurangzeb’s intolerant policy, it was
towards Raj Singh that whole of India looked. He raised the morale of the
people. He revolutionized the entire system of warfare – he did not neglect
the economic prosperity of the state which was the surest road to be powerful
politically. He constructed several dams and tanks. “it is doubtful”, says
S.R. Sharma,” whether any medieval ruler of India had spent such a large
amount of money for purposes of public welfare, not even the greatest of the
Grand Mughals. Certainly not one of them had spent such a large proportion of
his resources for such a beneficial purpose.” Raj Singh’s reign has been
rightly described as the golden period in the history of Mewar. In his age all
round development took place. It was a period of creative activities. |
Rathore – Sisodia Alliance & Achievements of Raj Singh in Mewar |
The confrontation of Raj Singh
with the Mughals began from 1679. In that year Aurangzeb reimposed Jaziya tax
on the Hindus on the 2nd April,1679, which according to Dr. Ojha, evoked a
vigorous protest later from Raj Singh. Historians are not unanimous over the
name of the real author of this protest letter. Whosoever may be the author
but his fact is clear that the relation on Raj Singh with Aurangzed further
worsened. Rather problem led to the war with the Mughals. This problem grew
with the death of Jaswant Singh at Jamrud in December 1678. At the time of his
death Jaswant Singh had no issue. So aurangzeb ordered the annexation of
Marwar, and himself proceeded to Ajmer to supervise the situation. On 19th
February, two posthumous sons were born to Jaswant Singh, one of them died
soon after his birth and other lived, who was known as Ajit Singh. Unmindful
of the birth of a successor, Aurangzeb continued with his policy of converting
Marwar into Khalsa. Naturally it caused great resentment in Rathor
principality. Aurangzeb’s attempt to bring up Ajit Singh as a Muhammadan in
the royal harem further worsened the situation. Durga Das and other Rathore
sardars succeeded in taking newly born – baby to Marwar safely. Now came the
problem of Ajit’s security. Raj Singh was the only ruler who could provide the
shelter. So according to Raj Ratnakar and Raj Vilas his help was sought. The
Rana must have been in a dilemma. To reuse to give shelter was against the
Rajput tradition. On the other hand if he gave protection, it would amount to
an act of hostility against the Mugals. But for Raj Singh upholding of Rajput
tradition was more important then any fear of war. There ware several other
considerations also. Firstly, Ajit was closely related to Raj Singh. Secondly,
the borders of Mewar and Marwar were contiguous and the establishment to the
Mughal authority in Marwar could as wee create security problem of Mewar.
Inspired by these considerations, he not only agreed to keep Ajit in his state
but also conferred upon his 12 villages along with Kelwa for his maintenance.
It was quite evident to the Rajputs that war with the Mughals was inevitable,
hence they (Mewar and Marwar) also entered into a military pact, according to
which, it was agreed that (1) Raj Singh will help Ajit to regain his
patrimony, (2) Both side will fight the Mughal invasion jointly.
In this way Rathor – Sisodia alliance came into existence. This alliance is of
great historical significance. Thus for the first time after the battle of
Khanwa a confederacy was formed in Rajasthan. Thus once again Mewar was
leading the united Rathor – Sisodias against the Mughals. Both the clans were
the most powerful in Rajasthan. The policy of religious prosecution had
already been causing much resentment amongst Sikhs, Jats and Satnamis. This
still made situation easier for allies to face the Mughal.
This alliance was a very serious challenge for the empire. Aurangzeb was also
reluctant to stake his military reputation. His desire was to settle the
problem by negotiation. He sent one after another letters to Raj Singh asking
him to hand over Ajit to him. But the Maharana was completely committed for
the safety of the prince, hence he ignored the messages. Now confrontation was
the only way left for Aurangzeb. Both sides started preparation for the coming
struggle. It was the question of survival for them.
The way in which the allied fought with the Mughals goes to prove Raj Singh as
a great military leader. A plan was developed and executed with great
diplomatic skill. It affected the Mughal morale to such an extent that the
alliance could win over Akbar, son of Aurangzeb, to their side. Thus “Mewar
and Marwar”, says S.R. Sharma” alliance almost shook the throne of the emperor
and led to the only princely rebellion in Mughal history inspired by out side
interests. But, unfortunately, in the meanwhile Raj Singh died on October 12,
1680. It gave altogether a new turn to the events. If Raj Singh had lived for
a few months more beyond 1680, the rebellion of Akbar could have been the
beginning of a new history of India, but his successor Jai Singh was incapable
of working out any great idea. Tired of war, he signed the peace treaty with
the Mughals in 1681, without consulting the ally. Raj Singh sat on the throne
in a very difficult situation but by his political foresightedness,
fearlessness and realistic policy he raised the stats of Mewar to a great
Although in Rajasthan the powerful rulers like Mirza Raja Jai Singh and
Jaswant Singh were his contemporaries but whether it was the case of
Charumati’s marriage or the problem of Aurangzeb’s intolerant policy, it was
towards Raj Singh that whole of India looked. He raised the morale of the
people. He revolutionized the entire system of warfare – he did not neglect
the economic prosperity of the state which was the surest road to be powerful
politically. He constructed several dams and tanks. “it is doubtful”, says
S.R. Sharma,” whether any medieval ruler of India had spent such a large
amount of money for purposes of public welfare, not even the greatest of the
Grand Mughals. Certainly not one of them had spent such a large proportion of
his resources for such a beneficial purpose.” Raj Singh’s reign has been
rightly described as the golden period in the history of Mewar. In his age all
round development took place. It was a period of creative activities. |
Cultural Achievements |
Raj Singh was not
only an able administrator, accomplished diplomat and fearless
general but also a patron of art and literature. During his
reign great progress was made in the cultural field. He himself
a poet. A ‘Chhapaya’ (six – line stanza) composed by him is
extant. He was also a patron of men of letters and artists. The
literature of his age is available in Sanskrit, Dingal and
Pingal. The Sanskrit books of this period fall under tow
categories: (1) Works of the scribes who made copies of ancient
books like Vedias, Puranas, the Upanishads, the Ramayana and the
Mahabharata. Purohit Garib Das has made great contribution
through getting the ancient works copied. He was himself a
learned pandit Besides him. Ran Chood, Ram Rai etc., also got
the ancient works copied. (2) Secondly, in the age of Raj Singh,
several learned men also produced original literature in
Sanskrit, chief among them is Ran Chhod Bhatt whose work
‘Rajprashasti’ composed as per the wish of Raj Singh deserves
mention. The Whole work, after it was incised on 25 large marble
slabs, was fixed in the niches in the walls of the Nauchauki
Ghati of the Rajsamundra. The slabs are of black stone, each
measuring 3 feet and 20 feet. The epic which is historical in
nature is in 24 cantps. The history of Mewar has been described
since earliest times in this work.
However, the history of Raj Singh is authentic. Along with the
political history, this epic contain a good description of
social, economic and cultural condition of 17th century. Its
language is chaste and its style suits the subject. There are
two other works of Ranchod Bhatt which fall under the category
of eulogies. The first is placed on Indra Sarover dam and the
other on Trimurty Baoli. Besides these, Bhatt also wrote ‘Amar
Kavya’ which contains the description of the rulers of Mewar
from the earliest times to Raj Singh. It is smaller in size than
Rajprashasti but superior to it in poetic qualities. Its
language is more chaste and style better organized and subject
matter more exhaustive. The poet Sada Shiva was also under the
patronage of Raj Singh. He composed the important work of
Ranchhod Bhatt from the point of view of language. Jagannath
Paliwal also wrote ‘Rajabhishek Paddhati’ a work which, deals
with the coronation of Maharana Raj Singh. It includes a
discussion on the significance of the coronation and is
supported with relevant material taken from Brahmanas and
Puranas, valmiki Ramayan, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda etc. It was
completed on Magh Sudi Pumima, V.S. 1709. The author of Raj
Singh Prabhaa Varman, Lal Bhatt was a contemporary of Raj Singh.
The work has102 verses and of very little historical importance,
but the noble virtues of Raj Singh have been described in
hyperbolic terms. Mukan Kshotari also wrote a poetic work called
‘Raj Singhasan’.
Besides Sanskrit, several works were written in Dingal and
Pingal, chief among them being Raj Vilas of Man who was a Jain
yati. The narrative divided into 18 cantos, is historical which
covers the period from Bappa Rawal to the last three years of
Raj Singh. According to Moti Lal Menaria, the work is full of
literary excellence and the portions dealing with the army,
battles and battle – fields are especially impressive. Besides
these, Girdhar Das wrote ‘Sagat Raso’ Rao Kishore Das wrote ‘Raj
Prakash’ and Rao Kalyan Das ‘Gun Govind’. |
Architecture and Painting |
Along with
literature, art and architecture also progressed in this age.
Raj Samundra is wonderful example of architecture. The reservoir
is five kms. by two kms. The dam across it is famous as
Nauchauki because on each of the three large platforms below the
dam there are three roofed mandaps (pavellions) which total
nine. The mandaps resembles those generally constructed over
cenotaphs over cenotaphs. The dams have been so constructed in
groups of three so that they might appear striking. But unlike
the construction of the projected portion, the mark of Hindu
style is obvious. Nevertheless these mandaps are the first of
their type in the history of Rajasthan Architecture. Later this
style became more and more popular and some of its examples can
be seen in palaces, in lake Pichola, and Mohan Mandir. There is
a beautiful carving work on the pillars and ceilings of these
and figures of birds, animals and women are very attractive. The
carvings project beautiful picture of contemporary social,
political, economic and cultural life. Raj Singh also construct
several tanks besides Rajsamundra. Several palaces and temples
were constructed which include Sarva Ritu Palace, Gardens and
temple of Amba Mata. His minister Daya Das constructed a marble
Jain temple of Adinath on a hill near Rajsamundra.
From the point of view of painting, 17th century is important in
Mewar. The art was well developed during the reign of Raj Singh
and his father Jagat Singh. A lot of painting work was done at
Udaipur in this age. The aim of these paintings was to depict
myths, Puranic customs and the display of valour. Instead of
16th century characteristic of coarseness and rusticity, the art
of painting in Raj Singh’s time reflects a sort of finish and
maturity. The Nathdwara style originated at this time. Raj Singh
patronized music also as he had done painting. In this way the
achievements of Raj Singh in political as well cultural fields
are significant. |