Welcome |
The deserts in Rajasthan are very populated. Inspite of the
challenges that these deserts offers, people have seted
all over the Thar Desert and have innovated in their own
small ways to make the arid sands habitable. The landscape
of Rajasthan is scattered with a number of villages and
hamlets, telltale signs of tree grove and cattle. The most
colorful villages are found in the Shekhawati region of
Rajasthan. The typical village has always been difficult to
spot till one is actually upon it. |
The hamlets,
the most basic form of civilization, consist of a collection of
huts that are circular and have thatched roofs. The walls are
covered with a plaster of clay, cow dung, and hay, making a
termite free (antiseptic) facade that blends with the sand of
the countryside around it. The boundaries for houses and land
holdings, also known as Baraas are made of the dry branches of a
nettle-like shrub. These boundaries are made outside the house
to protect the house from the stray cattle and enemies. The
resources which are used for building these homes, are the most
eco-friendly living unit and easily available in the western
desert regions of Rajasthan. |
Each village is
a multi-community settlement and here the various castes create
a structure of dependence based on the nature of their work. The
Rajputs resides at the head of the village settlement. The
village life revolved around the Rajputs. The Rajputs served
their kings, joined their armies, and raised their cavalries.
Often, they employed labour to work on their extensive fields,
and kept cattle for dairy produce. The Rajputs also employed
bards and ministers who sang their praises in verse and song;
the tradesmen who supplied them, and the others in the
community, with the goods required for their daily
lives and there were potters, carpenters, ornament
makers, cloth dyers and printers as well. |
The priests of the Brahmin families cast
horoscopes, performed the elaborate rituals of their festive
ceremonies, and served at the temples. The Pathwari looked after
those setting out on journeys and pilgrimages. And there were
various folk heroes and gods who provide immunity from
everything from snake bites
to cattle diseases. Water played an important role in deciding
the location of villages in Rajasthan. A village is even a
little larger than a hamlet. The villages have pucca houses, or
larger living units, belonging to the village zamindar family,
with painted walls and decorated with wall paintings. The walls
and houses are just decorated by creating a texture in the
plaster, or by using simple lime colours to create vibrant
patterns at the entrance, and outside the kitchen. The houses
consists of the courtyard and a large cattle enclosure, attached
to one side or at the entrance. These are made of a mixture of
sun baked clay bricks covered with a plaster of lime. The floors
are made with a mixture of pounded lime, limestone pebbles, and
water. The villages have agricultural and pastoral settlements,
temples and sanctuaries. There are also temples dedicated to
Krishna, Ram or Shiva, located a little outside the village and
surrounded by trees that are nurtured by the villagers. The
central place is occupied by either a village well or a temple.
The wells are often elaborately decorated, and have tall pillars
that would indicate their presence for travelers on long
journeys through the desert. |
Each home in Rajasthan will also have a small room or an alcove
where they would fold their hands and say the prayers before
calendar images of their gods. To seek benevolence from their
gods, they pray to the goddess Kali, the wrathful form of
Shiva’s consort, to protect them from the demons of the
elements, and the illness of mankind. Some of the images of the
local deities like the Bhairuji and Sagasji are also located
outside their homes, and in the villages, daubed with
vermillion, and kept in the gnarled roots of a peepal tree, or
set into the |
steps leading to the village pond.
The Mina tribes in Chittorgarh practice an
alternative form of medicine known as extra
sensory perception (ESP). In this treatment, a
Bhopa or priest enter into a trance and use a form
of trapped energy to heal the ailments that ranges
from aches, pains and disorders. Ash is used as an
anaesthesia and antiseptic in the case of wounds.
At home, the women would confine themselves to the kitchen where
rows of shining brass and copper vessels and platters are lined
up on shelves against the wall. The cow-dung and wood are used
as the fuel in the cooking stove, set on the floor. Over this
stove, the earthen pots are placed for cooking. Most of the
meals are vegetarian. The principal meal of the family consists
of dinner, where freshly baked bread and porridge is served with
a yoghurt curry called karhi, dried beans and fresh vegetables.
For most of the families, the breakfast consist of a full glass
of hot tea and bread, and lunch consists of an unleavened bread
eaten with a spicy chutney of chillies and garlic. |
The births, marriages, and deaths were the certain occasions
where the entire village would come together, and participate in
each other’s good and bad times. There are also several places
in the villages, where people gather in a very large scale.
These are temples, shops, wells, and a village square which is
usually an old, leafy peepal tree with a large platform built
around it for people to sit on. The cooking for wedding feasts
was done in a large scale and the cooks dig pits under the
ground where the fires will be lit for the huge cauldrons in
which the food will be prepared. The entire village dresses up
festively to welcome the wedding procession, and the Dholis and
other of the singing caste lead the party to the house where the
wedding is being celebrated. Such celebrations can last for a
few days, and can become the social event of the season. The
women came out of the villages only during the pilgrimages,
combined with the fairs. |
These women are always dressed in
beautiful skirts or ghagras, with a veil on their face and lots
of jewellery on the forehead and face. Just as the women adorn
themselves, and decorate their houses, and the men wear rings in
their ears
and slip their feet into gaily embroidered shoes, they also
create special jewellery for their camels, or cut their coats in
intricate motifs.
Some changes have been made in the structure, and ceilings are
made on land holdings, and the young people are moving towards
the distant town in search of the employment opportunities. Some
self-sufficient rural villages persist even today and a compact
settlement with a tank or well and a struggling bunch of acacias
and tamarind in the mid of yellowish sand is the dominant
feature of the landscape. Most of villages in Rajasthan now boast of
electricity, telephones, televisions and a network of roads from
where they can travel more easily between villages, and to the neighbouring towns. Today, there are various fields, and various
small habitations that have put a check on the winds that once
raced through the sand dunes. Life in the desert is in a stage
of transition, but the traditions still remain, which were not
just essential in the earlier times, but also gave life its
unique blend of flavours. |