Ayurveda in Jaipur -
Shiro Dhara |
This treatment is useful in conditions like insomnia, stress,
anxiety, depression, hair loss, fatigue, chronic headaches,
rheumatism, hypertension, asthma and makes one calm and fresh.
This treatment is equally beneficial for both men and women.
The number of days of the treatment depends on the ailment and
body type of an individual.
Swedana |
Swedana means
perspiration. In Ayurveda swedana refers to the process
that makes body to sweat. In swedana usually herbal oil
massage is given followed by an herbal bath. This therapy
the vessels and helps the detoxification of the entire
body system.
The body is heated to remove mental,
emotional and physical toxins stuck deeply within the
tissues. The Swedana therapy includes many different forms
of heat treatment. It is widely used for revitalising the
skin as it promotes circulation and increases perspiration
of the body, eliminates the skin toxins and improves skin
tone. |
means the administration of drugs through the nose. In
Ayurveda the nose is considered the pathway to the brain and
consciousness as well.
Herbal juices and medicated oils are
used in Nasya to remove excessive bodily humors accumulated in
the sinus, throat, nose or head areas. The nose is the nearest
possible way to drain dushti (toxic substances) that gets
accumulated as a result of an imbalance of the vaat-pitta-kafa.
There are different types of nasya treatments like Pradhamana
Nasya (cleansing nasya), Bruhana Nasya (nutrition nasya),
Shaman Nasya (sedative nasya), Navana Nasya (decoction nasya),
Marshya Nasya (ghee or oil nasya), Prati Marshya (daily oil
nasya) applied according to the disease. Nasya therapy is
highly effective for certain types of Headaches, Paralysis,
Mental disorders, Pre-mature graying of hair, clarity to
voice, Hemiplegia, Loss of smell and taste. It is also
believed to strengthen the mind and intellect. |
Abhyangam |
is whole body massage that is used for deep relaxation,
rejuvenation as well as treatment for certain ailments.
Different herbal essences and oils are used for this massage.
The ingredients used for massage depend on the ailment and
prakriti (body constitution) of an individual. This light
rhythmic massage nourishes the body, extends the life span,
provides good sleep, improves the skin texture, improves the
vision and provides better physical stability. Abhyanga is
known as the best therapy to control and balance Vata in the
body. A regular Abhyanga massage relieves stress, anxiety,
exhaustion and cure Vata disorder. Abhyanga Massage also
increases primary vitality and there by increases the
resistance of your body.
Pizhichil means squeezing.
It is a gentle, harmonized massage carried out under a
constant flow of warm herbal oil. In this treatment an oil
soaked cloth is used to pour oil all over the body. The
therapist repeatedly dip the cloth in oil container and
squeezed it all over the body. This therapy has been in use
from olden days, the Maharajas or Kings used to have this
treatment. Pizhichil improves the blood circulation, nourishes
muscles and nerve tissues and increases sexual ability. It is
considered useful curing sexual weakness, nervous weakness,
rheumatic pains, Vata imbalances, hypertension and emaciation
of limbs and general debility. On a whole it is a highly
effective remedy for optimum relaxation. |
Netra Tarpana |
Netra means eyes thus netra tarpan is treatment
meant for eyes. It is a special Ayurvedic treatment that
provides relaxation to eyes and also improves the eyesight. In
this treatment freshly made dough rings are formed around the
eyes and medicated ghee (clear butter) is filled into the
rings till the eyelashes are covered. This therapy is useful
in burning eyes, dryness in the eyes, vata disease of the
eyes, curved eyes, conjunctivitis, watery eyes, night
blindness and many other eye ailments. People who work
continuously at computers, stone carving machines, do
jewellery designing, or use any machine where intensive eye
sight work is needed can benefit a lot with this treatment. |
Shiro Vasthi
Shirovasti is a specialized treatment in which
medicated oils are administered on the head. A leather cap is
kept on the head of the patient and a certain mixture of the
lukewarm herbal oils is poured into this cap. The oil is
allowed to remain inside the cap for about 45 minutes and then
it is drained out.
The oil used for therapy depends on the
individual’s body type as well as the disorder to be cured. Shirovasti treatment is mainly useful in facial paralysis,
dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches,
burning sensation of head, eye diseases, diseases of cranial
nerves and hair fall. It is also helpful to improve memory,
vision and mental faculties.
The term
kizhi has been taken from the Malayalam language - a regional
language of South India. It is also called potli (small bag of
cloth) massage because small linen bags filled with herbs are
used in this treatment. These bags contain medicinal herbs,
medicated powders or Navara rice and dipped in medicated oil
or warm milk for massage. During this therapy firstly the
gentle tapping and rubbing is done with the bags and then
specific massage is given according to the ailment. This
treatment is useful for Vata ailments like osteoarthritis,
arthritis, spondilosis, sports injuries, joint pain, and sore
muscles. |
Pinda Sveda |
Pinda Sveda also known as pinda swedanam is
treatment that helps to relieve pain and muscle tension.
In this
treatment small linen bags filled with a decoction of
grains, medicinal herbs and oils are applied locally over
the affected areas. The firm massage done with boluses
encourages sweating and clears the skin pores so that the
medicinal properties of herbs can infiltrate the skin.
The panda sveda treatment can be of two types snighda and
ruksha. The type and duration of treatment depends on the
ailment to be cured. This treatment is useful in curing
body pains and sclerosis and improving
digestion. |
Udvarthanam |
This is a whole body
massage done with special herbal powder to reduce
cellulite accumulations from the body. It also helps to
improve blood circulation, skin texture, toning of the
muscles and ease joint pains. Regular Udvartanam not only
reduce cellulites but also helps to lose weight by
increasing the basal metabolic rate. Various natural
nourishing ingredients such as Almond Oil, Chickpea Flour,
Turmeric Powder and Fenugreek Powder etc are used in this
Vashpaswedaman is to be understood as
steam bath
which is an amazingly refreshing experience - the
herbal mix
stimulates and invigorates.
The herbal steam bath is an age-old tradition, which, like
massage, has been passed down through generations of skilled
practitioners of Ayurveda. Originally, inhaled
steam vapor
- made from a mixture of fresh and dried essential herbs
boiled in water - was used to treat skin ailments, muscle
stress, and respiratory problems. The roots and rhizomes
traditionally used include turmeric, prai (closely related to
ginger), lemongrass, bergamot lime, leaves of the camphor tree
and the tamarind tree as well other Ayurvedic herbs. Heated
with aromatic herbs and spices like Zingiber Cassumunar (for
clear breath), Lemon Grass (an anti bacterial skin freshener),
Camphor (for cleansing minor infections), Sour Tamarind Leaf,
Acacia, and Pandanus Leaf. However at our Ayurveda clinic the
Ayurveda doctor will decide after examining your body
constitution which combination of the herbals would applied to
A special cabinet is
used for this treatment. This treatment opens the pores,
removes the impurities from the body and eliminates toxins. It
is helpful in body purification, skin diseases and also in
weight reduction. It is also a part of Panchkarma procedures.
Vashpaswedanam is an easy way of
nature to rejuvenate your body and mind, improve your health
and vitality altogether benefits your skin and hair.
This Ayurvedic Therapy is a part of the Panchakarma
! |
Body Care |
Body care offered by us is Luxuriously deep, total body
exfoliation. Our blends of high-potency Ayurvedic herbs
accelerate the elimination of dead cells, improving the
skin's metabolism. The aromatic herbs used by us offers
you the ultimate bath experience. Our Ayurveda body care
programmes and Body care treatments are a combination of
different treatments applied to various parts of body for
complete relaxation and purification of the body. Some programmes included in this treatment are listed below:
Beauty Care
In this programme
herbal face pack, herbal cream massage, herbal oil
massage, intake of herbal tea and steam bath are
recommended. This treatment improves the skin complexion,
tones the skin and body as well.
Spine and
Neck care Programme
In this programme
special massages and exercises are practiced under the
observation of Ayurveda Physicians. These specifically
designed treatments keep your spine and neck healthy and
to cure the problems related to the area.
Mukhalepam or Face treatment
this programme special herbal packs and herbal creams are
applied on face to improves complexion, cure facial skin
problems and avoid wrinkles. The Ayurveda face treatment
is also considered good for the eyes. Different therapies are
used in this programme to help you to reduce excessive
body fat and gain firm and healthy body. This slimming
programme combines various massages (done with medicated
herbal oils and powders), steam baths, intake of herbal
juices and special vegetarian diet. The complete treatment
runs under the supervision of learned Ayurveda physician.
Hair Care Programme
programme provides a complete hair care by curing hair and
scalp problems and giving life to hair. Various head
massages are given in this treatment according to your
hair texture and ailment to be cured.
The oils used in these massages are made up
with different herbs known for hair care elements. Other
than the massages herbal packs are also applied for
providing strength and shine to hair. |
(Ayurveda treatment for muscular chest pain)
The healing properties of herbal oils used for this
massage enhances blood circulation and help the muscle
and connective tissues to get stronger. Apart from
curing muscular chest pain this treatment is also
helpful in asthma and other respiratory problems. Urovasti is an Ayurveda treatment that
is highly effective for muscular chest pain.
Basti |
Basti or Enema is the main activity of all
Panchakarma treatments as it cleanses the accumulated
toxins from all the three doshas (body constitutions),
through the colon.
Basti is also highly effective as a
rejuvenating treatment. In this treatment medicated oil or
ghee (clear butter) and herbal combinations are given as
enema that helps to clean the colon and increase the
muscle tone. Toxins accumulated in the lower parts of body
are pushed to the lower digestive tract, urinary tract or
reproductive tract through this treatment. This therapy
helps in curing various diseases and disorders like
hemiplegia, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome,
constipation, digestive disorders, obesity, piles, sexual
debility & infertility etc.
The toxins
accumulated in the lower part of the body are pushed to
the lower digestive tract, urinary tract or reproductive
tract. Our Ayurveda physicians would first examine
your body constitution and than advice you the right kind
of Ayurveda Basti !
Our Team of Rajasthan - Tour - packages
would be happy to advice you more in Ayurveda
packages their cost we offer in Rajasthan and other parts
of India. For more information please send
us your