Sanga's Relations with Malwa
Fortunately to a person of firm resolution and plan, an
opportunity to derive advantage came. In Malwa there
arose disturbance between the Sultan and his minister
Medini Rai. The Purbia Rajputs also rose against the
Sultan, being alarmed of the conspiracy of Muzaffar Shah
II. In the meantime Medini Rai repaired to Chitor to
seek the Rana’s help. The Rana willingly helped the Rai
and took Gagraun, Bhilsa, Raisen, Sarangpur and Chanderi
under his possession and defeated the Sultan- He was
also successful in taking Mahmud II to Chitor as a royal
captive. But with a Rajput magnanimity the Sultan was
treated well. The Rana attended to his wounds in person
and after his recovery sent back the Sultan to Mandu
with respect. In return the Sultan offered to the Rana a
jeweled |
belt and a
crown. Kalpi, Bhilsa, Ranthambhor, Sarangpur and Chandri were
retained by the Rana as a protectorate of Mewar. As a
guarantee for the future good conduct of the Sultan, his son
was kept with the Rana.
Sanga's Relations with Gujarat
The growing influence of the Rana was also not liked by
Muzaffar Shah II of Gujarat He was search of some pretext to
open hostility with Sanga. Very soon the opportunity came with
question of the succession of Idar. There were two claimants
of Surajma’s throne, one was Raimal, and the other was Bharmal
Rana Sanga supported the claims of Raimal, and Bharmal sought
the help of Muzaffar Shah II – in the first round the Rana
defeated the Gujarat army, plundered Ahmednagar and
Visalnagar, and established his protégé in Idar. Next winter
(1520) the Sultan of Gujarat and Malwa made combined effort to
retrieve their honor and humiliate the Rana. Ajaz and Qwanul
Mulk, the commanders of Gujarat and Malwa armies, led the
forces against the Rana. They failed to take the fort of
Mandasor, and the Rana too could not decide die conflict in
his favour. By Babar’s appearance on the frontiers of the
Punjab the situation in northern India grew uncertain. Both
the parties, therefore, came to terms by mutual exchange of
presents and hostages. However, this settlement did not
diminish the Rana’s political influence at the court of
Gujarat, for the aspiring princes and the nobles of Gujarat
repaired to the Court of Chittor with a hope of assistance
against Sikandar, the crown-prince.
Sanga and Imbrahim Lodhi
Hardly the Rana was free from the Sultans of Malwa and
Gujarat, his authority was challenged by Ibrahim Lodi. He sent
an imperial army of the Afghans under the command of Main
makhan. He was to be assisted by other generals namely, Mian
Hussain, Zar Baksh, Miaan Farmuli and Mian Maruf. The Rana
also advanced against them and made such an impression of his
power that Mian Hussain decided to change his side. Then the
Sultan personally came to take the field at Ghatoli; as a
result the Sultan had to suffer a defeat; he had to leave
prisoner of the royal blood to grace the triumph of Chittor.