Ananda Yoga |
Ananda Yoga is a classical style of Hatha yoga that uses asana and pranayam to awaken, experience and control the subtle energies within oneself. Its main object is to use those energies to harmonize body, mind and emotions, and above all to attune oneself with higher levels of awareness. Ananda Yoga is a relatively gentle and inward experience, which was developed by Swami
Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda. |
Anusara Yoga |
Anusara means to step into the current of divine will, or follow your heart or flow with grace or to move with the current of divine will. This style of Yoga was developed by John Friend. Anusara yoga is described as heart-oriented, spiritually inspiring and grounded in a deep knowledge of outer and inner body alignment. In this yoga the student’s various abilities and limitations are deeply respected and honored. |
Ashtanga Yoga |
Ashtanga yoga is meant only for those persons who want a serious workout, not for those who just want to take it leisurely. Ashtanga yoga was developed by K. Pattabhi
Jois. In this yoga the learners have to move through a series of flows and jump from one posture to another to build strength, flexibility and stamina. The power yoga is based on
Ashtanga. |
Bikram Yoga |
Bikram Yoga was developed by the Bikram
Choudhary. In this yoga, one performs a series of 26 asanas designed to "scientifically" warm and stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons. Bikram Choudhury studied yoga with Bishnu
Ghosh, brother of Paramahansa Yogananda. |
Integral Yoga |
Integral Yoga was developed by Swami
Satchidananda. The integral yoga mainly emphasise on pranayama and meditation. Integral yoga was used by Dr. Dean Ornish in his groundbreaking work on reversing heart disease. |
Iyengar Yoga |
Iyengar Yoga was developed by the
B.K.S. Iyengar who is one of the best known yoga teachers and thus named after him. Mr. Iyengar created one of the most popular styles of yoga in the world. In this yoga there is precise alignment of postures as well as the use of props such as blocks and belts. |
Kundalini Yoga |
Kundalini Yoga was developed by the Yogi Bhajan in the year 1969 in the west. This yoga mainly focus on the controlled release of Kundalini energy. The practice involves classic poses, coordination of breath, movement and meditation. |
Sivananda Yoga |
Sivananda is one of
the world's largest schools of yoga. Sivananda yoga was developed by Vishnu Devananda and was named after his teacher. Sivananda yoga follows a set structure that includes
pranayama, classic asanas, and relaxation. |
Svaroopa Yoga |
Svaroopa Yoga was developed by Rama
Berch. It is a consciousness-oriented yoga that also promotes healing and transformation. In this type of yoga one learns different ways of doing familiar poses. This type of Yoga mainly emphasize on the opening of the spine by beginning at the tailbone and progressing through each spinal area in turn.
Every pose integrates the foundational principles of asana,
anatomy and yoga philosophy, and emphasize on the development
of transcendent inner experience, which is known as Svaroopa
by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. |
Viniyoga |
Viniyoga is a methodology of developing various practices for individual conditions and purposes. Viniyoga was developed by Sri. T. Krishnamacharya and later continued by his son,
T.K.V. Desikachar. The main features of this Yoga are the careful integration of the flow of breath with movement of the spine, with sequencing, adaptations and intensity dependent upon the overall context and goals.
Pranayama, Meditation, Reflection, Study and various other classic elements are also taught in this part of Yoga. |