What is
Bidalasana |
is also
known as the Cat Stretch pose. It is a simple, yet thorough way to
warm up. It stretches back and abdominal muscles and helps to initiate
movement from your center and to coordinate your movement and breath. |
Yoga and Ayurveda Tour |
What is the technique
Bidalasana |
There are different versions of Bidalsana, we are
mentioning here the techniques of both Dynamic and Static versions. |
Dynamic version
Start on
all fours, with knees hip distance apart and hands under your
shoulders. Have your fingers fully spread with the middle fingers
pointing straight ahead. Keep your back or spine in horizontal
position with head and neck held in line with the rest of your spine,
so that eyes look to the ground between your hands. Now inhale, hollow
your back so that your navel lowers towards the ground and your chest
expands. Keep your shoulder blades pressed down into your back. Then
exhale and round your spine, initiating the movement from your navel. |
Repeat, alternating the hollowing and rounding of your
spine four to eight times. |
Dynamic version with the legs –
This is performed same as the dynamic version but leg
movement is also involved in it. For leg movement follow on inhalation,
extend your right leg straight out behind you or higher if your can, your
foot pointed or flexed. On exhalation, bring your knee in toward your
forehead. Do two or three times with the right leg. Repeat with the left
leg. |
version in Full Cat SretchStart
on all fours as for the dynamic version then walk your hands forward until
you can place your forehead on the floor in the final post. Keep your hips
raised so that your thighs remain at right angles to the floor. Relax your
spine in this position, allowing your lower back area to hang downward
from you hips. Hold for three to eight breaths or more. To recover, sit
back on your heels and relax with your torso resting on your thighs for a
few breaths before returning to all fours.
Benefits |
The cat stretch pose flexes the spine and stretches the
middle to upper back and shoulders. It is good exercises for people sit in
front of a computer for long hours. This posture reduces tension from neck
and shoulders and alleviates backaches. It also provides massage to your
kidneys. |
Cautions |
People suffering from high blood pressure or heart
problems should not practice this asana.
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