Yoga - Virbhadrasana

Yoga, Types of Yoga, Yoga Features

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What is Virabhadrasana?

Named after virabhadra a fierce warrior in Hindu mythology it is also known as the Warrior
Pose. There are two variations of this asana Virabhadarasana I and Virabhadarasana II.
The Virabhadarasana I or Warrior I pose strengthens the legs, opens the hips and chest
and stretches the arms and legs. It develops concentration, balance and groundedness of the
body and improves circulation and respiration. The Virabhadarasana II also provides strength
to lower torso and improves balance. It enhances balance on both sides of the body, expands
the chest, encourages deeper breathing and improves coordination and concentration.  


  Yoga and Ayurveda Tour


What is the technique of Virabhadrasana I?

Start in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Move your legs as far apart as you can while maintaining stability. Your heels should be in line with each other. Inhale and raise your arms forward and up, stretch them with your hands and fingers upward. Keep your shoulders pressed down and your chest open. Breathing naturally, turn your right foot and leg to a 90-degree angle and your left foot and leg in to a 45-degree angle. Keep both legs straight, with heels securely rooted to the ground. Inhale and turn your entire body to face the right without adjusting your feet. Hold in this position for two or three breaths. Now exhale and bend your right knee, aiming to bring your thigh parallel to the ground with your knee positioned directly above your heel. Your right knee should point forward (not fall in or out to either side). Hold for three to eight breaths. Return to the starting position and then repeat to the other side.


What are the benefits of Virabhadrasana I?

The warrior pose I provides strength to the ankles, legs, shoulders and muscles of the back. It also tones and strengthens the abdomen.  It Improves balance and posture
and energizes the entire body.


This asana should not be practiced if have recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees, back or shoulders.


What is the technique of Virabhadrasana II?

Stand right as for Virabhadrasana I. Then raise your arms to the sides to shoulder height, palms facing down and fingers pointing out to the sides. Inhale and extend your spine and head upward as you turn your head to the right to look over you right hand. Hold for two or three breaths. Then exhale and bend your right knee so that it is positioned over your right heel, forming a right angle. Both feet should be well planted on the ground. Keep shoulders and arms in a straight line, with shoulders pressed down and arms stretching out though the fingertips in opposite directions. Hips and shoulders face squarely to the front, with your spine centered between your legs. As a static pose, hold for up to eight breathes. To recover, reverse the path taken into the positions. Repeat to the other side. For the dynamic version, alternate straightening your right leg on inhalation with bending the leg on exhalation.


What are the benefits of Virabhadrasana II?

Like warrior pose I this pose also strengthens and stretches the legs, ankles, chest, lungs, and shoulders. It also stimulates abdominal organs. It shows therapeutic action in carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and sciatica and increases stamina. 


This asana should not be practiced in conditions like diarrhea and high blood pressure. People suffering with neck problems should also do this asana with care. They can modify some steps according to their comfort level, like they can look straight instead of turning heads in sides. 


Yoga Exercises

Adho Mukha Svanasana II Anulom Viloma II Apanasana II Ardha Matsyendhrasana II Balasana II Bhunjangasana II Bidalasana II Chandrasana II Chaturangasana II Gomukhasana II Halasana II Janu Sirsasana II Jathra Parivartanasan II Konasana II Mandukasana II Matsyasana II Natarajasana II Padmasan II Paripurna Navasana II Parsva Uttanasana II Pascimottanasana II Pranayama II Purvottanasana II Salamba Sirsasana II Sarvangasana II Setu Bandha Sarvangasana II Siddhasana II Simhasana II Sukhasana II Utkatasana II Uttanasana II Utthita II Vajrasana II Virbhadrasana II Vriksasana





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