is Baddha Konasana? |
known as The Butterfly asana or the cobbler’s pose it is an excellent
asana for hips, thighs and reproductive system as well. In Sanskrit
baddha means bound and kona means angle thus the literal meaning of
Baddha Konasana is bound angle pose. This pose is considered highly
beneficial for pregnant women. Both Men and women benefit from the
hip opening qualities of this pose. This is so easy to practice that
children can also do it with fun. |
Yoga and Ayurveda Tour |
How to
do Baddha Konasana? |
practice this asana sit in dandasana with your spine straight upward.
Stretch your legs in front of you then bent your knees opened out to
the sides, the soles of the feet touching each other. Grasp the big
toe of each foot with the first and second finger and thumb. Always
keep the outer edges of the feet firmly on the floor. If it isn't
possible to hold the toes, clasp each hand around the same-side ankle
or shin. Stay in this pose anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes. Then inhale,
lift your knees away from the floor, and extend the legs back to their
original position. You can also sit on a cushion or with support of
wall to maintain this posture.
are the benefits of Baddha Konasana? |
posture is very effective in curing various disorders. It stimulates the
abdominal organs as well as the ovaries, prostate gland, bladder and
kidneys. It strengthens the heart and improves the blood circulation. This
asana stretches the inner thigh, groin and knees thus provides the body a
supple and toned look. If asana also improves your mood as it alleviates
problems like depression or anxiety. This asana is useful for people with
sciatica problem. It also cures body and prevents the attack of many other
diseases. |
What is
the meaning of Supta Baddha Konasana? |
Supta Baddha
Konasana is a restorative pose that derives its name from Sanskrit Supta
means reclining, Baddha means bound and Kona means angle. Therefore Supta
Baddha Konasana literally means Reclining Bound Angle Pose. This relaxing
pose allows the body to unwind and receive the healing effects of yoga thus
bring the body back to a relaxed and natural state. |
is the technique of
Supta Baddha Konasana? |
This is a
version of Baddha Konasana so start with Baddha Konasana posture. Then
exhale and lean backwards bringing support of your elbows to the floor. Rest
your back to the floor. Inhale and slide the arms up over your head and rest
them on the floor extended above your head. Place the palms together,
crossing the thumbs. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths. |
You can
stay in this position for 5 to 15 minutes according to your comfort level.
You can also use bolsters or blankets to elevate the knees and arms. The
arms can also be placed alongside the body or the palms can lightly rest on
the thighs. If you find it difficult to lie in Baddah Konasana position you can also start
by lying on your back then bend your knees and practiced this pose. To come
back to original position roll over to your side and sit up using your hands
to support you. |
What is Upavista Konasana? |
asana is known as the Straddle pose. This is a type of Konasana an angle
pose which has derived its name from Sanskrit language upavista means seated
and kona means angle thus it is a seated angle pose. Upavistha Konasana is
considered a good preparatory pose for most of the seated forward bends and
twists, as well as the wide-leg standing poses. |
is the Technique of performing
Upavista Konasana? |
with Baddha Konasana or dandasana pose. Keep your spine straight upward and
then straighten and widen your legs as much as you can. Keep your thigh
muscles engaged and the feet flex your feet to encourage the extension
of the back of your legs. Now place your hands on the ground in front of
you and inhale, extending your spine upward. On an exhalation,lean
forward |
from the
hips, keeping your spine extended, head and neck in line with the spine.
Walk your hands forward on the ground as far as you are able while
maintaining a straight spine. Keep your weight evenly distributed on both
sides of the body. Recover, starting on an inhalation, and reverse the path
taken into the position. There are many variations of hand and arm positions
in this asana. You can extend your arms sideward to reach your toes.
You can grab the whole foot or the arms can be interlocked behind the back.
You can get creative but always practice these poses under the observation
of trainer |
What are the benefits of practicing Upavista Konasana? |
posture stretches the insides and backs of the legs and tones them. It also
stimulates the abdominal organs, strengthens the spine, releases groins and
calms the brain. |