Siddhasana is one of the most popular meditation postures. Siddha in
Sanskrit refers to
those hidden powers within the body that help
individual to attain spiritual upliftment. This asana
is also known as
"Perfect Pose," because one attains perfection in Yoga by meditating
this position. Siddhasana is useful to learn, since it is used as
the practice seat for some of
the pranayamas
and the mudras.
in Sukhasana with legs crossed. Take hold of one ankle or
foot, place it on top of he other leg, with the outer edge of the
raised foot pressing into the opposite calf, thigh, or groin. If
you use this position regularly, make sure you alternate the leg
that is raised so you develop flexibility evenly in both legs and
are the benefits of practicingSiddhasana?
Siddhasana directs the energy from the lower psychic centers upward
through the spine thus it stimulates the brain and calms the entire
nervous system. It redirects blood circulation to the lower spine and
abdomen and tones the lumbar region of the spine, the pelvis and the
abdominal organs, and balances the reproductive system and blood pressure.
It stabilizes the sexual energy because of the position of the feet with
respect to the genitals. It is beneficial to those suffering from wet