is Utkatasana? |
Uttanjasana or the standing forward bend is one of the most
popular hath yoga pose. In Sanskrit uttan means extension or it can be
interpret as ut – deliberate + tan- lengthen. Thus it is a stretching
pose that stretches the legs, hamstring and spine and provides
strength to legs and thighs. It also helps to calm down the body.
Yoga and Ayurveda Tour |
is the technique of Uttanasana? |
Start standing in Tadasana (straight in upright position), with
feet together or hip distance apart. You may bend your legs
slightly if your muscles or your spine are really tight. Now
inhale and raise your arms forward parallel and up to line
alongside your ears, with fingers pointing up and palms facing in.
Exhale and bend from your hips, stretching arms and torso forward
to a tabletop position, arms in line with your ears. Hold for two
or three breaths before stretching downward on an exhalation. Keep
arms alongside your ears and keep spine extended as much as
possible. Place your hands wherever you can reach on
your legs; if your can, take hold of |
ankles or place hands on the ground. Hold in this position for two or
three breaths. On an exhalation, draw your head in toward your legs, using
your arms to assist you as your elbows open out to the sides and your
spine rounds over legs. Hold, and then reverse your path taken into the
pose, pausing for one breath at each stage of the forward bend. If you
want to do the dynamic version of this pose, on an inhalation immediately
reverse the path followed into the posture. |
are the benefits of practicing Uttanasana? |
Uttanasana is stretching pose that provides
exercise to legs, hips, thighs, and spine as well. It
stimulates the liver and kidneys and Improves digestion. It also calms the
brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression, reduce fatigue and
anxiety. It helps women to relieve the symptoms of menopause. It is
effective in various disorders like; asthma, high blood pressure,
infertility, osteoporosis, and sinusitis. |
cautions should be taken in practicing Uttanasana? |
If you
have back injury do this pose with some modifications like you can bend your
knees, or rest your hands on the wall, legs perpendicular to your torso, and
arms parallel to the floor. |