Yoga - Sarvangasana

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What is Sarvangasana?

In Sanskrit, Sarva means the whole and Anga means body or limb or part. Thus Sarvanga
means the whole body or all the limbs and Sarvangasana refers the pose that benefits the
whole body. It is one of the inverted poses of yoga that is also known as shoulder Stand as
the body balanced on the shoulders in final position of the asana. This asana is sometimes called
a "candle" also because the body resembles a candle in this pose.


   Yoga and Ayurveda Tour


What is the technique of Sarvangasana?

Start with lying on your back. Then bend your knees so as the soles of your feet touch the ground, legs should be together. Place hands on your hips or waist, with your thumbs pointing for ward on the waist and palms and fingers underneath the back supporting it.

Now exhale and swing your knees up over your abdomen, keeping your legs bent and raising your torso. Shift your body weight onto your shoulders and upper back. Press your elbows into the ground as your hands support your back. Bring elbows as close together as you can, taking care to keep your hands level on your back. Straighten your legs so that they point diagonally upward. Hold this position, relaxing your hips into the support of your hands. To extend the position, inhale as you push your hips further forward, bringing your chest toward your chin. Aim your legs and torso toward the vertical. Once again bring your elbows closer together, pinching your shoulder blades together and shifting your hands to support your upper back as close to your shoulders as possible. Hold them on the ground, parallel to each other and pointing away from your head, with facing down. 

You can place a folded blanket under your shoulders as it provides a soft, raised surface for your shoulders, reducing the curve of the throat and pressure on the neck.


What are the benefits of practicing Sarvangasana?

As the name suggests this asana benefits the whole body and also called mother or queen of the asana for this quality.  Mainly this pose benefits the thyroid gland and helps to work it at peak efficiency. It's the thyroid gland which is mainly responsible for your correct weight and youthful appearance. Hence this asana helps to retain youthfulness. It also regulates the sex glands. It builds up the power and a new structure in your back and relaxes tension in well-known stress areas like the neck and the lower back. It vitalizes the nerves, purifies the blood and promotes good circulation. It is beneficial for people suffering with poor circulation, constipation, indigestion, asthma and reduced virility. This pose is also good for women especially after childbirth and for those suffering with painful menstruation, other female disorders, and seminal weakness.

What are the cautions?

One should not practice this asana if he or she is suffering from organic disorders of the thyroid gland, blood pressure, glaucoma, hernias, cardiovascular disease, cervical spondylitis, thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, and kidney problems. Be very cautious if you are suffering from chronic nasal catarrh. Women should not practice this pose during menstruation as it reverses blood flow. If you have any neck injury then do this asana after consulting a yoga teacher and under supervision.  


Yoga Exercises

Adho Mukha Svanasana II Anulom Viloma II Apanasana II Ardha Matsyendhrasana II Balasana II Bhunjangasana II Bidalasana II Chandrasana II Chaturangasana II Gomukhasana II Halasana II Janu Sirsasana II Jathra Parivartanasan II Konasana II Mandukasana II Matsyasana II Natarajasana II Padmasan II Paripurna Navasana II Parsva Uttanasana II Pascimottanasana II Pranayama II Purvottanasana II Salamba Sirsasana II Sarvangasana II Setu Bandha Sarvangasana II Siddhasana II Simhasana II Sukhasana II Utkatasana II Uttanasana II Utthita II Vajrasana II Virbhadrasana II Vriksasana





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